Sunday, 3 June 2012


Arranco con un videito, para dar un poco de movimiento (es de baja calidad (240p), para que sea mas facil verlo en el blog.) además tengo que admitir que no me esmeré demasiado al sacar las fotos, estaba mas concentrado en ver yo y jugar. la proxima vez que vaya saco mas fotos y las subo y de a poco junto varias fotos de LEGOland.
So, I start today with a simple video, it is really low quality but it is so that it's easy to up/download. I have to be honest about the amount of pictures, I didn't really take the time for that because I was just enjoying the viewing and playing.. Next time I go, I will take some more photos and then I will have a worthy amount of pics.


Me quedé sin pila así que sigo con fotos de Betty.
I ran out of battery, so I continue with Betty's pictures.

1 comment:

  1. LEGOLand!!!! wowww, me encantaría visitarlo, quiero un R2D2!!!!!! jajajajaja
